关于英文的个性签名 – 女娲资源


1、 “【曾经发了疯的追,如今——-拼了命的退】
【The chase was mad,mad now retire】”

2、 You are the only exception.你是唯一的例外。

3、 Love is an open door.

4、 “I like you,but just like you.纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨,我也待你眉眼如初,岁月如故。”

5、 “Yes,my lord.”

6、 I am
not happy
beca se …

7、 寂寞
我只好 坚强地假 装,这样 比较快乐 ,比较 棒。
风吹过 ,好冷,屁股好痛,尿好急……

8、 To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

9、 Your hopes have become my burden.I will find my own liberation.

10、 Only when it’s a torture will you be sober.

11、 “Life is wonderful,and so are you.

12、 “Take me to your heart,take me to you soul

13、 “【待你婚纱落地,我必短裙相配
【For your wedding dress,I will short skirt to match”

14、 “As long as i am survive,you will be a part of me.”

15、 【我的交际能力烂得一塌糊涂,

【My communi cation skill s So but don’t know what is the pine power can meet your these wonderful peopl

16、 “【因为你老笑,
【Because you always smile ,
so—” ——- #NAME? think know h urt you are all Right】

17、 cuz i knew you were trouble when you walked in,but I not choose escape

18、 “Get busy living,Or get busy dying.

19、 “say something, i’m giving up on you.
i’ll be the one, if you want me” to.
尽管, 你一招手 我就会回 头

20、 “If you are not happy,it’s time to change something.

21、 ““看他披荆斩棘,看他走过深渊, 守候未来为他加冕一身荣光。””

see him break open a way through bramble and thistle,see him through the” “abyss,” waiting for the future he was crowned glory.

22、 “Rast now.
rast,my son.
And soon…
You shall awaken into the light.
你会在光明中醒来” 。)

23、 “With a bright time , sending the forth radiant inequable light.”

24、 To CW
You have no idea about what you could have received.

25、 To CW
So glad that I survived.

26、 To CW
My precious. 🙂

27、 To CW
elegant cruelty.

28、 To CW
I am ALWAYS here for you.(big big smile!)

29、 To CW
From the very first day. 🙂

30、 “To CW
I know one’s limitations,just I know exactly where I am.”

31、 To CW
Here I am. 🙂

32、 To CW
Sunshine sucks!

33、 To CW
You are nothing
You are everything.

34、 Always with me. 🙂

35、 “It’s my miss,
miss you
but I miss you.”

36、 “I am an old man,sir.
Old enough to be wary of dismissing other people’s beliefs.
老糊涂了,所以没法无视他人的信” 仰www.S IAndIAN. com。)

37、 Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the freedom to choose his attitude in any given set of circumstances.
我可以拿走人的任 何东西, 但有一样 东西不行 ,这就 是在 特定 环境下选 择自己的生活态度的自由。

38、 I am not going to leave you this time.

39、 “In order to dream, everyone should pay some cost, but those who lost the good will be returned to us in the moment to make my dream come tru” “e, so p” lease do n’t be a fraid o f l onel y journe y and silence of the time. 为了梦想,每个人都应该付出一些代价,而那些遗失的美好都将会在实现梦想的那一刻回到我们身边,所以,请不要害怕孤单的旅程和沉默的时光。

40、 “You gotta know lonely so weep
I give that just for believe you must be all
absolute, with that doubt we do not even

You may” “need,” and I’ll miss
Maybe da ylig ht sendi ng flowers to myself
Thinking that someday we will be dead end

oh we should buying to see girl
May I know how fever leave
Cause feel the earth

41、 were not we having tears in my eyes though the passing of time?

42、 “哪里有爱,哪里就有财富和成功
Wherever there is love,there is also wealth and success”

43、 真诚待人,包括那些没有真诚待人你的人
Be sincere to others including someone who doesn’t be sincere to you

44、 我对完成自己的梦想抱有积极正面的期许,因此我对每一次的挫折都看成仅是暂时的。
I have a positive expectation of achieving goals and I take every setback as purel y tempo rar y.

45、 我创造自己想要的未来,因为我是一个独一无二、能自我引导的、对实现自己的每一个目标都自行负责的人。
I invent my own future because I am u “nique,s” elf-dire cted and fully acc ount able for the success of each of my goals.

46、 “If you were a cactus,i’d endure all the pain just to hug you.”

47、 agoni田メ?玩世不恭的女子?Nobody could ever replace you .

48、 Kill them if you hate
Kiss them if they wait


49、 A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour. 一个真正快乐的人是那种在走弯路时也不忘享受风景的人。

50、 I speak in a very low voice.


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